Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 37 – SMOKE & VEIL


grey smoke blinds the foe
battlefield veil for many
the band plays on… sad
smoke kills… all take heed
no veil will ever shield you
life… to short… give up
smoke… a forest burns
deliberate distillation
business veils hide death

the smoke filled room
a veil hiding shyness
why it shies who knows
one dares not to lift it
for great fear it could be death

A veil hangs over our world, governments debating this and that, threats of war, their rhetoric knows no bounds. Each night, and tonight is no exception, I watch the news, read the news, my eyes go all cloudy. No not smoke, err one day it might well be! This night and those past, its  tears  that cloud my eyes, sadly. Shed, perhaps in vain as things have not changed for what seems like an eternity. Maybe my tears are tears of hope for the world and all of humanity. That peace will be, and bring us all together. My tears, now rivers that flow with words, I hope will flood the minds of politicians

veils cast by smoke
wars perpetuate… no need
give peace a chance

© Mick E Talbot 2017/66

Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge #37 – SMOKE & VEIL

14 thoughts on “Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 37 – SMOKE & VEIL”

    1. Thanks Ina, you make me feel like a preacher, maybe that’s what I am? Seriously, I hope not, many thanks for your appreciation. Take care,


      PS The post in its original form, was copied from the wrong draft, my apologies Ina


  1. Another excellent selection of your poetry, Mick. I especially loved the Haibun. Such poignant words for the world we live in. Maybe it is the veil of age that clouds our eyes and we no longer can see that hope… Our world is sure a mess right now. Hugs to you my friend. ❤


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