Sitting down, on a moor top tor, resting.
Meditating, as the moon waves the sun goodbye.
I stare into the abyss, of space, meditating.
Clouds rush in, black as night, storm clouds.
Wind, now howls, breaking the spell, noisy wind!
Nature talks, gives me warning, thanks, nature.
Southwesterly wind, not cold, but driving.
At my back, lightening step, thanks, southwesterly.
Home, I have reached my cave, my sweet home.
Sleep beckons, sand fills my eyes,
the Sandman’s parting gift, sleep has me.

© Mick Talbot 2017

The color coding:
RED: The repeated words in epanalepsis don’t have to be identical, but must be in context.
BLUE: Epanalepsis can occur across two sentences.
GREEN: The same word used at the beginning, and end of a sentence.
MAUVE: Epanalepsis can occur within a clause of a sentence.


Micks short form poetry challenge #6


Lambert-Sluder, Rose. “Epanalepsis.” LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 17 May 2017. Web. 22 Oct 2017.

My deepest heartfelt thanks to the above for her very informative web page on the definition of Epanalepsis.  Its help in my invention of Epanalepsis poetry has indeed been of great assistance, again many thanks. I hasten to add that all my writing are shared on WORDPRESS and other sites/blogs free gratis and will remain that way, and their copyright to me, for some time to come.
Mick Talbot Oct 23 2017


    1. Replied on site, but in answer to your question; the only restraint is it must follow the colour coded guidelines as random as you like. A challenge for us and all who are interested. A tanka epanalepsis, or any form that will take to the epanalepsis treatment, syllable counts included. You up for that?

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