Write Now for August 1st 2017 – Enclosed Rhyme | Natures Dead


All of the cars on the highway suddenly sputtered to a halt just as the storm reached its peak.


All of the cars on the highway,
Suddenly sputtered to a halt
Knowing it was not their fault
The storm, I heard a driver say

As the storm reached its peak,
Drivers all started to gather
Hark, their frightened chatter
Panic, I watched them freak

Now I knew I had their attention
Who am I? I am Mother Nature!
A first for me, this kind of caper
The storm me, an apparition

Yes, nature, you all killed me
I can not speak, just a thought
Open minds I hope have caught
Through the power of telepathy

Stop pollution, stop it now!
Act fast, I can be resuscitated.
Deny, and life will be cremated.
Act now and I will help, I vow.

Their fate now in their hands
Their chance to survive as stated
Agree, I will be resuscitated.
Again you will see green lands.
© Mick E Talbot 2017/66


Click on “NOW WRITE,

the image, for the pingback, thank you.

10 thoughts on “Write Now for August 1st 2017 – Enclosed Rhyme | Natures Dead”

    1. Thanks Willow, appreciated.
      I have been meaning to ask, is Willow your first name, if isn’t then make it so, its an absolutely georges name. 😉 🙂 Joking of course, but Willow would make a nice first name.


            1. I like it too, however there are a lot on WP, and as most Michaels don’t like being called Mick, they don’t mind Mike ether, but there is to many of those as well, so a Mick oi be 🙂


                1. You know the saying “Different Strokes for Different Folk”, mind you it might be a could thing if were all of the same mind, for the good, of course. 🙂


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