Haibun Monday – Taking a Forest Bath

Taking A Forest Bath

little egret

To take a true forest bath I would have to travel in a vehicle some 30 plus miles. The forest yes, the mode of getting there not my scene. I do however have a few small woods within walking distance, the pleasures of which I have experienced on many an occasion. The closest, and I think is the biggest, is known by the local name of “Backies Woods”. A luxuriant damp to wet habitat, sadly suffering from fly tipping, fortunately only on is west facing edge.

woodland habitat
hears spring begging winter please
unfreeze the sun

Winter is relenting, spring sunshine, a glorious day. Overwintering leafhoppers, several Diptera in flight and both at times soaking up the warm sunrays. All deciduous trees in full bud, evergreens showing too Lower ground flora conspicuous by their absence, maybe shrouded by last seasons dead fallen growth. Moss soft underfoot, lichens, liverworts not doing much. Water flora; the odd yellow flag, broadleaved, knife like, just slicing the surface, away to go. Dusk now calling, sun not long till its glow wont show, temperature plummets, winter still holding on.

a woods in springtime
it breaths new life budding trees
jenny wren in full song

Light still holding, air fresh, slight wind, chilling, as I walk to ward home. Still some distance to go, my periphery vision catches a  wonderful sight. A little egret I unwittingly put to flight.  A little downstream it glided, then up into the naked canopy. Long lens attached, ping, in focus, no flash, I snapped. A capture, now home for tea.

springtime winter chill
so tempting that woodland thrill
sunset obscured


Haibun Monday – Taking a Forest Bath – Say What????

12 thoughts on “Haibun Monday – Taking a Forest Bath”

  1. Oh how this haibun sings spring! I love how you interspersed the paragraphs with outstanding haiku. The first haiku is my favorite – yes, please unfreeze the sun. We are supposed to be getting snow Sunday after a few last freezing cold days. But then, that is spring in Virginia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for your kind words. I was going say we’ve but that wouldn’t be true, most parts of the UK have had snow, my local 5mm. I do hope I am not tempting providence. Cold though, has been and still is brrr!


  2. Never mind driving 30 miles, it seems as if you have nature to enjoy nearby, and you’ve taken us for a lovely walk through it. I, too, like the interspersed haikus. They’re beautiful, and it’s a nice touch.

    Liked by 1 person

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